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\LA PIEDAD\ is located in Veracruz, Mexico on Miguel Lerdo de Tejada 1695, Zona Centro. \LA PIEDAD\ is rated 2.7 out of 5 in the category [CATEGORY] in Mexico.
(Translated by Google) Terrible service, at the time of hiring he offered me a price and in the end he raised everything, my deceased was decomposed, he had approximately 12 hours of wakefulness and he was already draining through his mouth and smelling bad, it is the date he does not give me my papers, and the service not to mention dirty floats employees without uniform and they seem to be in the market, and the manager or owner, a rude person, has no vocation for the business he runs, in short I fell but I learned my lesson. I just hope nobody else passes it. (Original) pésimo servicio, al momento de contratar me ofreció un precio y al final me subió todo, mi difunto se descompuso tenia aproximadamente 12 horas de velación y ya estaba escurriendo por la boca y a oler mal, es la fecha en que no me entrega mis papeles, y del servicio ni hablar carrozas sucias empleados sin uniforme y parecen que están en el mercado, y el gerente o dueño una persona grosera no tiene vocación para el negocio que maneja , en fin yo caà pero aprendà mi lección. solo espero nadie mas lo pase.
(Translated by Google) the same as other complaints. More than 14 days have passed and there is still no death certificate. are full of empty promises (Original) lo mismo que otras quejas. Han pasado más de 14 dÃas y todavÃa no hay certificado de defunción. están llenos de promesas vacÃas
(Translated by Google) I have 15 days waiting for my brother's death certificates and it is the time they deliver them they put each pretext and they do not answer the calls (Original) Tengo 15 dias esperando las actas de defuncion de mi hermano y es la hora que las entregan ponen cada pretexto y no contestan las llamadas
(Translated by Google) We got to request reports dirty dark place without office as such and the person in charge of bad appearance (Original) Llegamos a solicitar informes lugar sucio obscuro sin oficina como tal y la persona encargada de mal aspecto
Miguel Lerdo de Tejada 1695 Zona Centro91700 VeracruzVer.Mexico
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